Date: 29 OCTOBER, 2022
Quality Health Care for all is essential, especially with the emerging cases of Non-Communicable Diseases in Zambia. On the 29th of October, 2023 we conducted an Open-Air Clinic in Ndola at Kafubu Mall to raise awareness of non-communicable diseases among community members, conduct tests to have early diagnosis, and initiate treatment.
We exist to complement the Zambian Ministry of health's efforts in providing effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible. This ensures equitable access to health service delivery and contributes to human and socioeconomic development.
During the Open-Air Clinic, the following Services were offered: Blood Pressure measurement, Random Blood Sugar test, Blood Grouping, Body Mass Index, and physician consultation on Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and other Non-Communicable Diseases. We partnered with USAID:SAFE Ndola for the Open Air-Clinic, they conducted free HIV/AIDs voluntary and Counselling Tests and initiation of treatment when necessary.
During the Kafubu Mall Open Air Clinic, we managed to conduct 2200 tests and had a total reach of 1200 people.