About Us


Our vision is to be the foundation that transforms and improves the quality of life of young people in our communities.


To promote enriched lives and bridge the gaps that exist to ensure sustainability and empowerment of vulnerable communities..

Core Values


We believe that action is the only true way to create sustainable change. There is no action without sacrifice especially with our vision to mobilise change in our community. We operate outside our comfort zone to bring the change we want to see in our community.


All our projects are centered on this core value. This is why we deeply believe in the words of John Wesley "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can."


Changing our communities means having the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. To function we make sure we possess honesty and strong moral principles that help us remain accountable and transparent to everyone who works with us.


To solve the problems in our communities, we adopt new bold ideas. We believe that our projects must be innovative to solve the biggest problems, and we urge our partners to do so as well. We thread innovation into all of our work.


While we engage in our projects we are driven by passion. Every member of the organization is passionate about seeing change in the areas we identify as lacking.

Meet Our Team

Genesis Mwamba

Genesis Mwamba

Mr Mwamba is the founder and executive Director of Lead Me Back Foundation. We believe in the words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”

Genesis Mwamba

Watson Gondwe

Mr Gondwe is the chairperson of the Guardian for a Year Project. The project focuses on helping vulnerable children in Zambia have access to quality education unhindered. More than 100 children have benefited from the project so far.

Thurah Nyirenda

Thurah Nyirenda

Ms Nyirenda is the Lead for Sustainable Development Goal number 3 “Good Health and Wellbeing.”

Bupe Kalisha

Bupe Kalisha

Ms Kalisha is the Lead for Sustainable Development Goal number 4 “Quality Education." SDG 4.1 aims to ensure that “All boys and girls can have access to equitable, free and quality primary and secondary education by the year 2030."

Bupe Kalisha

Preside Mwale

Mr Mwale is the Human Resource secretary at Lead Me Back Foundation. Our team is made up of young professionals and undergraduates who sacrifice their resources, time and energy to drive impact in our communities.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Lead Me Back Foundation is a registered Non-Governmental Organization under Zambia's Ministry of Community Development and Social Service. It was established in 2021 to contribute to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically 3 and 4: Good Health and Well-being and Quality Education, respectively.

Our objectives, projects, and initiatives are centred around the intersection of Education, Climate and Health for vulnerable and marginalized communities in Zambia

We have an initiative called Ubumi Care Clinic: Ubumi, a term indigenous to Zambia, translates to "life". The project addresses a critical gap in healthcare access for vulnerable communities living in remote parts of Zambia. We recognize the challenges they face, travelling vast distances to reach basic healthcare facilities. Through our comprehensive approach, the Clinics provide crucial services to combat NCDs and HIV/AIDS through primary and secondary prevention.

We have a program called “Guardian For A Year” under which we aim to provide children with complete School essentials and Comprehensive Climate Education. This was born out of the realization that quality education is not possible when children lack basic school necessities such as school shoes, uniforms, and books. In our years of operation, we have donated over 250,000 school essentials in the forms of books, backpacks, shoes, pens, pencils and Uniforms and full school in over 15 schools in Zambia.

As the Lead Me Back Foundation, we have reached out to individuals as well as companies to sponsor at least one child, or in corporate cases, at least five children. Anyone who agrees to sponsor a child through this program is labelled as a Lead Me Back Guardian. It must be noted, however, that there is no limit to how many children one can sponsor.

TThough the program is known as Guardian for a Year, we encourage Guardians to consider staying on for as long as they are capable. As the Foundation, we would like to see to it that each of our students enrolled in the program complete their O-Level education (Grade 12).

Currently, the program is running in a total of 15 schools in the Copperbelt, North Western, Northern, and Lusaka Province, in various towns. (Ndola, Kasama, Kitwe, Mwinilunga and Lusaka) We have partnered with Government and community schools where we were more likely to find children in vulnerable situations. However, we plan on expanding to further our reach to at least all Zambian Provinces by 2030. The children involved in this project range from primary to secondary school and preferences of Guardians (in terms of grade and town of child) are noted.

The foundation will provide the background details necessary to introduce you to the child and will facilitate communication. If you wish to meet, advise, or mentor the child, outside of the fixed annual appointment, the Foundation acts as a go-between. We encourage the holistic formation of the children and would be happy to see to it that the child receives all the help they can get. .

Of the money that is donated to our projects, 80% goes directly towards the projects. The rest-20% goes towards administrative costs for the organization.

You become a Guardian by committing to sponsoring one child through the BagPack by donating ZMW 1,500/ USD 100. You formally complete the process by filling in the Guardian for a Year form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zr_woD3qWFV9sxnR7slrtdBISqvCRb4f6nQVEB mdEyk/edit, and that’s all you are a Guardian.

Apart from being Lead Me Back Guardians members of the community can give any donations to help with the project through our Bank account or our mobile money accounts.

Account Name: Lead Me Back Foundation
Account Number: 5825256500122
Bank: Zambia National Commercial Bank
Branch: Mukuba

Mobile Money:: *265*15925*amount#. Any network

Our organization deeply encourages young people to be at the center of change. We believe in intentional action to achieve change and need young leaders like you who are ready to take action, mobilize change, and foster progress in our communities.

Still, trying to figure out where to start? You can be any of these:

  • Volunteer
  • Partner
  • Donor
Visit our website for more information at http://leadmebackfoundation.org